Abuja Marriage Registry Requirements: Everything You Need to Know

Abuja Abuja Marriage Registry Requirements

Getting married at the Abuja Marriage Registry is a significant milestone in anyone`s life. It marks the beginning of a new chapter, and it`s essential to understand the requirements to ensure a smooth and successful process.

Requirements Married Marriage Registry

Requirement Description
Application Letter Both parties must submit a formal application letter to the marriage registry.
Valid Identification Original copies of valid identification for both parties, such as international passports or national identity cards.
Age Declaration A sworn affidavit declaring the age of both parties.
Passport Photographs passport photographs parties.
Witnesses witnesses over age 18 testify identity parties.
Single Status Certificate certificate stating parties single eligible married.

Why These Requirements Are Important

requirements by Marriage Registry place ensure validity legitimacy marriage. Providing documents meeting criteria, avoid potential legal future.

Case Study: Fulfilling the Requirements

John Mary wanted married Marriage Registry. They carefully collected all the necessary documents and ensured that everything was in order. As a result, their marriage registration process was smooth and stress-free. They were able to focus on their special day without worrying about administrative hurdles.

Understanding and meeting the requirements for getting married at the Abuja Marriage Registry is essential for a hassle-free registration process. Following guidelines, embark journey marriage confidence peace mind.

Top 10 Legal about Abuja Abuja Marriage Registry Requirements

Question Answer
1. Are for married Marriage Registry? The requirements for getting married at the Abuja Marriage Registry include: a completed marriage declaration form, valid identification for both parties, proof of age, and payment of the prescribed fee.
2. Both need present registry? Yes, both parties need to be present at the registry to sign the marriage declaration form in the presence of the registrar.
3. Residency for married Marriage Registry? specific residency married Marriage Registry. You need provide proof residence Abuja.
4. Foreigners married Marriage Registry? Yes, foreigners can get married at the Abuja Marriage Registry as long as they provide the necessary documentation and meet the requirements set by the registry.
5. Is period married Marriage Registry? There 21-day period date application date marriage Marriage Registry.
6. Is age for married Marriage Registry? Yes, parties must least 18 years old married Marriage Registry. If either party is under 21, parental consent is required.
7. Can couples married Marriage Registry? No, same-sex marriage is not legally recognized in Nigeria, and therefore cannot be conducted at the Abuja Marriage Registry.
8. Documents for previously individual married Marriage Registry? A previously divorced individual must provide a certified copy of the divorce certificate and proof of settlement of any legal fees before getting married at the Abuja Marriage Registry.
9. Can proxy behalf one parties Marriage Registry? No, both parties must be present in person to sign the marriage declaration form at the Abuja Marriage Registry.
10. Is of certificate obtained Marriage Registry? A marriage certificate obtained at the Abuja Marriage Registry is valid and legally recognized throughout Nigeria and internationally.

Abuja Abuja Marriage Registry Requirements

Contract entered into on this ____ day of ___________, 20___, by and between the parties as listed below.

Parties Requirements
1. The parties intending to be married The parties must obtain a statutory declaration of their ages and marital status from the Magistrate or High Court in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.
2. Witnesses parties must least two witnesses above age 21 testify marriage.
3. Parental Consent (if applicable) If either party is under the age of 21, they must obtain the consent of their parents or guardians to marry.
4. Notice Marriage A notice of marriage must be given to the marriage registry at least 21 days before the intended date of marriage.
5. Registration of Marriage The marriage must be registered at the marriage registry in Abuja within 3 months of the solemnization of the marriage.
6. Marriage Certificate Upon completion of the marriage ceremony and registration, the parties will be issued a marriage certificate as proof of the marriage.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the day and year first above written.